Assessor Review

1. How To Appeal Your Assessment?

There are three steps to the annual appeal process:
  1.  Assessors Review (local) OPTIONAL
  2. March Board of Review (local) REQUIRED
  3. Michigan Tax Tribunal (state)

The Assessor Review is the first step in the appeal process.  You are not required to file an appeal at the Assessor Review; however, filing a protest with the Board of Review is necessary to protect your right to further appeal valuation and exemption disputes to the Michigan Tax Tribunal and classification appeals to the State Tax Commission.

The Board of Review is not the Board of Assessors, and the Board of Assessors is not the Board of Review.  Each has its own jurisdiction and restriction on who may seek an appeal.  Each has their own period where they can make decisions regarding property assessment. Please read the filing instructions and requirements thoroughly.

2. How Can I Submit An Appeal?

Any appeals submitted online, in person, or in writing must be received by 4:30 p.m. EST.  on February 22, 2025.

If the appeal is in writing, the envelope must be postmarked by February 22, 2025.

A drop box is also located outside the Woodward public entrance of the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center to drop off your appeal without entering the building.  FAXED APPEALS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. 


 1. Online-Appeals can be submitted online during February 1, 2025 through close of business February 22, 2025 by 4:30 p.m. EST.

2. In Person-Visit the Detroit Taxpayer Service Center, Suite 130 in the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Avenue Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.,

Friday and Saturday by appointment only.  Call (313) 224-3035 to make an appointment.

3. Mail-Send a letter to Office of the Assessor, Attn: Assessor Review, 2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 804, Detroit, MI 48226.

Include your name, address and/or parcel number, reason for appeal with any supporting documentation, telephone number or email address. 

3. When Does The Appeal Process Begin?

The February Assessors Review Period runs from February 1, 2025 through close of business February 22, 2025 by 4:30 p.m. EST.  Appeals will only be accepted during February 1, 2025 through February 22, 2025 timeframe. Any appeal submitted before that date will not be accepted. Additionally, the appeal must be for the 2025 year only.

The hours are Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and by appointment only on Friday and Saturday.  Call (313) 224-3035 to make an appointment.

All submissions must be received by close of business 4:30 p.m.  EST. on February 22, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted. Faxed appeals are not accepted.

4. Who May Appeal The Assessment?

Property Owner, aggrieved persons with certain legal financial interests or person’s agent, may appeal the 2025 assessed value at this time.


TIMELY FILE AN APPEAL DURING THE BOARD OF ASSESSOR REVIEW PERIOD if you believe the Taxable Value, the Assessed Value, the State Equalized Value, the Property Classification, or the Transfer of Ownership information on your assessment notice is incorrect. 

5. Who Is Considered Aggrieved Persons/Petitioners to file at Assessor Review?

Aggrieved persons/petitioners are considered as the following:
•    City of Detroit assessment notice addressed to the individual.
•    A filed property transfer affidavit in the individual’s name
•    Deed listing the individual as the property owner, in full or partial.
•    Order from probate court assigning the individual a property interest in the parcel.
•    Land contract in the individual’s name.
•    Lease agreement assigning responsibility for paying the property taxes to the individual.
•    Receipt showing that the individual paid any portion of the property's taxes in the preceding year.
•    An affidavit signed by the individual attesting under penalty of perjury that they have paid the property's taxes in the preceding years or intend to pay the taxes in the current year.
•    Any other document that proves an individual has financial or legal interest in the property.

6. What If I Have Additional Questions About My Property Before I Submit An Appeal?

The Office of the Assessor encourages all persons to ask questions about the process and appeal the value, if they believe it is not consistent or reflective of the current market value of the property. You have every right to ask the Assessor for the sales study used to value the property. 

If you would like to speak with an appraiser, a scheduled appointment will be made over the phone. You may schedule an appointment to speak with an appraiser at (313) 224-3035. Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. 

You may email Christen Talifer at [email protected] for specific questions.

7. What if I have a representative or someone assisting me filing an appeal on my behalf?

Persons acting as an agent for the property owner, or other aggrieved persons with certain financial interest, must submit one of the following; a completed “Letter of Authorization”, as prescribed by the City of Detroit, produce evidence of authorization such as a signed attorney’s appearance, representative retainer signed by the appellant, or a copy of an email exchange between the appellant and the representative, with an attached signed Letter of Authorization submitted to the Board granting permission for the advocate to file documents on appellants behalf. 

All companies, LLC’s and/or Corporations must provide organization documents along with the title and name of the authorized person to act on behalf of the company.

8. What Information Should My Appeal Contain?

The appeal should explain why you believe the information is incorrect. Provide supporting documentation with your claim. 

You are not required to file for a review with the Board of Assessors to file for an appeal with the March Board of Review if you are qualified under State Law to file for an appeal with the March Board of Review. 

A denial of a complaint made before the Board of Assessors does not prohibit a person liable to be taxed, or their agent, from filing for a review by the Board of Review if the appeal is made in a timely manner.