الأسئلة الشائعة حول مركز خدمة دافعي الضرائب في ديترويت
قد يتم دفع ضرائب مدينة ديترويت على أقساط. إذا اخترت خيار التقسيط ، فيجب عليك دفع الدفعة الأولى والثانية في أو قبل تواريخ الاستحقاق المدرجة أدناه. إذا لم يتم استلام الدفعة الأولى بحلول تاريخ الاستحقاق (15 أغسطس) ، فلن تكون مؤهلاً للمشاركة في برنامج السداد الجزئي وستكون الدفعة الصيفية الكاملة مستحقة في 31 أغسطس. وسيخضع أي رصيد متبق في الصيف للغرامة والفائدة من 1 يوليو
ج: إذا كنت قد سددت قرضك العقاري ، فربما لم يتم إخطار المدينة وستستمر في إرسال بياناتك الضريبية إلى شركة الرهن العقاري. لتصحيح ذلك ، يرجى إحضار معلومات السداد الخاصة بك إلى مركز خدمة العملاء الموجود في الغرفة 130 من Coleman A. Young Municipal Centre.
ب. قد يكون لدى المدينة العنوان البريدي الخاطئ في الملف. يرجى زيارة مكتب المقيم الموجود في الغرفة 804 في Coleman A. Young Municipal Centre لتغيير العنوان البريدي. يرجى ملاحظة أنك ستحتاج إلى تقديم إثبات الملكية (على سبيل المثال ، سند الضمان ، سند المطالبة السريع ، وما إلى ذلك).
إذا احتجت في أي وقت إلى نسخة من فاتورتك الضريبية الحالية ، يمكنك زيارة مركز خدمة العملاء الموجود في الغرفة 130 في Coleman A. Young Municipal Centre أو مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على [email protected] .
When the taxpayer issues a stop payment and the City does not receive the funds, the taxpayer is charged an additional fee to cover the processing involved in the returned check transaction.
There are various timeframes a payment will post depending on the payment option used.
DivDat Payments (Kiosk): 24-48 hours
Mail: 7-10 business days *this timeframe may vary depending on the US Postal Mail Service delivery
Point & Pay (Phone Payment): 24 hours
Auto Agent: ACH or wire must be initiated following the uploading payment file
Plan Ahead Payment Program: Payment deposits post 7/1 through the end of the current tax season
يمكنك الاتصال بـ Office of Assessor على (313) 224-3035 أو عبر الإنترنت على https://detroitmi.gov/departments/office-chief-financial-officer/ocfo-divisions/office-assessor
This process provides the proper documentation for proof of payment to ensure that the Treasury Division refunds the money to the appropriate entity/person who made the overpayment.
Please allow 4-6 weeks for your refund to be processed. The time is needed to audit the account to ensure the refund is accurate and paid to the proper party. However, during the peak tax season, please allow additional time.
The Treasury Division has instituted a Tax Deferment Payment option. This program allows qualified citizens to defer their Summer property tax payments to February 14. Senior citizens may also apply for the Solid Waste Discount. You may obtain both applications via the Detroit Taxpayer Service office located in Room 130 of the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center or by clicking the links below or by email at [email protected].
ONLINE - Pay by eCheck or credit card* on the webwww.detroitmi.gov - Select the "PAY" tab then select "Property Taxes" then enter your address or parcel number (include the period or dash based on your parcel)
KIOSK - Pay with cash, check (no money orders or cashiers checks) or credit card at DivDat kiosk located in your neighborhood. See list of kiosk locations on the back of the flyer or go to www.codkiosk.com. ((include the period or dash based on your parcel)
DivDat MOBILE APP - Pay by eCheck or credit card*. Download the DivDat mobile app from your smartphone's app store. (include the period or dash based on your parcel)
MAIL - Send check, money order or cashier's check, along with your payment coupon to City of Detroit- Property Tax Department, PO Box 33193 Detroit, Ml 48232-3193. Payment with enclosed coupon must be received by the due date to be considered timely.
PHONE - Pay by credit card*, call 1-855-894-2400.
CITYHALL (Payment Center) - Detroit Taxpayer Service Center - Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8am – 4:30pm and Friday 8am - 12:00pm by phone only. Person-to-person tax payments are no longer accepted at City Hall. All payments at City Hall will be made using kiosks. There are kiosks located in the Electronic Payment Center (Suite 154), behind the Spirit of Detroit at the Woodward entrance and in the main lobby .
*Additional fees will be applied to all credit and debit card transactions.
10 or fewer - Pay by eCheck or credit card* on the web at www.detroitmi.gov - Select the "PAY" tab then select "Property Taxes". Add your properties to your cart and make a single payment.
11 or more - Pay via ACH/Wire using AutoAgent. It's the easiest way to pay many properties at once! For more information about AutoAgent go to www.autoagent.com.
Note: You only need a bill when paying by mail. All other methods have a "look-up" feature.
For more information, please contact our Detroit Taxpayer Service Center at 313- 224-3560 or [email protected]
The City of Detroit does not have a payment drop box.
HOPE and Veteran exemption applications can be found online here.
Information about NEZ can be found online here.
All parties with ownership or taxpayer interest can fill out the Parcel Revision Form and return it and the supporting documents to the Assessors Land Records Maintenance email digitally for review.
To begin the parcel combination process, complete the Parcel Revision Form.
Email completed Parcel Revision Form and the supporting documents to: [email protected]
The Office of the Assessor Parcel Revision Application Packet contains a Parcel Revision Checklist detailing the requirements for ALL parcel modification requests. Also included in the packet is the Parcel Revision Form and Resolution of Authority form.