Media Services FAQ

What format must content for our channels be submitted in?

Codec                          h.264    
Frame Rate                  29.97
Video Frame Size        1920 x 1080 
Full HD Aspect Ratio   16:9
Bit Rate                        6.53 Mb/sec    
Audio Sample Rate     48 kHz

Where can I watch City of Detroit Public, Educational, and Government access channels?

Currently, AT&T U-Verse (channel 99) and Comcast Cable (channels 10, 21, 22 and 68) subscribers can watch our PEG channels. These channels are required by federal law to be available to any cable service subscriber. If you can not access these channels please contact your subscriber.

How do I submit my message to the City of Detroit Public Access Bulletin Board?

[email protected] and write “PSA” in the subject line

What if I’m having an issue with the broadcast of our channel(s)?

If you are experiencing trouble with your overall cable service please contact your service provider. If you discover it is the cable channel contact Media Services at 313-224-2100.

How do I find out when a program airs?

Click your desired channel button for the list of upcoming programs.