iDecide FAQ

I am under 18 and don't want my parents to know bout my care, can I still see a doctor?

Yes!  You can see a doctor and your privacy will be protected!  In the state of Michigan individuals under 18 can consent to reproductive health care without their parent or guardian’s permission or knowledge.  

There are a couple of exceptions to this.  If a provider feels like there is a threat to your safety or someone else, they are required by law to notify your parent or guardian and possibly the authorities.


I don’t have health insurance, can I still see a doctor and get birth control?

Yes!  We will see anyone regardless of insurance status at our Detroit Health Department clinics and our iDECIDE Detroit team will help you with or without insurance.  We can also help you start the process to get insurance for the future!

What services do the iDecide Clinic offer?

All of the clinics in the iDECIDE Detroit network offer the following services:

  • STI/HIV testing and treatment for boys and girls
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Contraceptive care including (Same day in most clinics):
  • Long acting reversible contraception placement (IUD and/or Implant)
    • Oral Contraceptives
    • Depo shots
    • Nuvarings
    • Condom distribution
  • Preventative women's health care
  • Social Work and referral to other needed services

If you have other specific care needs, let us know and we will connect you with the right provider.

My partner and I are thinking about having sex but we have questions, can we come see a provider together?

Absolutely!  We are here to support you and your partner to have a healthy and safe relationship.  


I’m interested in seeing someone about birth control or getting tested for sexually transmitted infections, how do I get connected?

There are many ways that you can get connected.  
Call us: 833-9-DECIDE (33-2433) we can get you connected with the right provider for you.
Call one of our iDecide Detroit providers directly!  Just make sure to tell them you are an iDecide Detroit teen!


Do you have questions about birth control options and sex?

Bedsider is a great organization with tons of information about birth control and sex.  Use this link to find answers to many questions!


Do you have others questions?

Submit your question to us and we will post an answer in FAQ section!