Transportation Innovation Zone Permit

Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ): Empowering Detroit’s Mobility Future

The City of Detroit’s Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ) was created to address the unique challenges faced by innovators deploying new mobility solutions. As new technologies emerged, existing permitting processes proved inadequate, leading to confusion and delays. Recognizing this gap, the TIZ was established to create a clear pathway between mobility innovation and regulatory compliance.

Detroit’s shift from traditional automotive manufacturing to advanced mobility solutions highlighted the need for modernized regulations. From scooters to connected infrastructure and autonomous vehicles, outdated rules couldn’t keep up. Initial efforts relied on lengthy memoranda of understanding (MOUs), which, while effective, were inefficient for the pace of innovation.

The TIZ now offers a streamlined, adaptive permitting process designed to support cutting-edge technology while prioritizing safety and community engagement. This framework enables innovators to navigate regulations more efficiently, fostering an environment where innovation thrives, and Detroit leads in mobility advancements.

TIZ Boundary Overview

The Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ) is located in the Corktown neighborhood, Detroit's hub for mobility innovation. Bounded by Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the north, the Lodge Freeway to the east, the Detroit River to the south, and I-96/I-75 to the west, the TIZ covers key landmarks like the Michigan Central Station, Old Tiger Stadium site, and the New Ralph C. Wilson Park. This zone is designed to facilitate cutting-edge transportation projects in one of Detroit’s most dynamic areas.

TIZ boundaries map

What is a TIZ Permit? 

You have a great new idea and the City of Detroit Office of Mobility Innovation is eager to help you safely test it in the real-world. Let’s get to work! This page is designed to help anyone interested in bringing an innovative mobility solution to Detroit understand how to take advantage of our Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ) by understanding what the TIZ means for permitting and piloting your project.

Current TIZ Projects Permitted

 Explore the cutting-edge mobility projects happening within Detroit’s Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ). These projects, approved by the Office of Mobility Innovation, allow residents and visitors to witness firsthand the latest innovations transforming our streets. From autonomous vehicle testing to advanced electric charging solutions, each pilot project serves as a stepping stone toward creating a more connected and sustainable transportation future.

The TIZ provides a dynamic platform for entrepreneurs, researchers, and companies to test groundbreaking ideas in real-world urban environments—driving progress with the City’s full support.

See here for full list of TIZ projects. 

Our Process: Approved in January 2023 – Bringing Your Ideas to Life!

The Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ) is your gateway to safely testing mobility solutions in the heart of Detroit. The City of Detroit’s Office of Mobility Innovation (OMI) is excited to partner with innovators like you to explore new technologies and services in real-world conditions.

This page will guide you through every step of the process, from applying for permits to launching your pilot. Start by completing the Innovation Intake Application and address key considerations that will help us ensure the success and safety of your project.


TIZ Permit Process Map 1


Apply Here!




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