Chief Operating Officer

Former JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking CFO Marcus von Kapff is the City’s Chief Operating Officer.
von Kapff has spent his career building high performing businesses within large, multi-national corporations. He has managed large P&Ls and teams across strategy, finance, sales, and operations functions. He brings a focus on long-term sustainable growth, while managing risk and building an enduring culture.
von Kapff spent the last 20 years at JPMorgan in a variety of general management roles. As CFO of the Commercial Bank for the last ten years, he doubled the size of the business to $10B in revenue with 13,000 employees. Over this time, he helped the business expand to 40 countries, doubled technology investment, and implemented new CRM and data systems. He has also held roles running large sales organizations across Business Banking and Treasury Services.
Prior to JPMorgan, Marcus was the International General Manager for Transamerica Commercial Finance. He also worked at McKinsey & Co. in Los Angeles and Johannesburg, focusing on financial services. A career highlight was working in South Africa, helping to end apartheid era business practices during the Mandela presidency.
In his role, von Kapff oversees the following departments:
- Detroit Water & Sewerage Department
- Buildings, Safety Engineering & Environmental Department
- Detroit Department of Transportation
- Detroit Fire Department
- Housing & Revitalization Department
- Detroit Housing Commission
- Department of Innovation & Technology
- Lean Team (Citywide Process Improvement)
- Human Resources