All Districts Update - 2-10-2025
Please Join the Department of Neighborhoods for a virtual meeting where you will receive information on relevant topics that you can share with your neighbors and friends
Every Monday @ 5 pm
- CDBG-DR Action Plan Public Hearing
- DPSCD Foundation's Sneak Peak into the Tyrone E. Winfrey Hall of Fame Alumni Gala
- Pink Poodle Lounge
- Farenheit 313
1. Join the meeting via conference call:
1 (312) 626-6799
1 (346) 248-7799
Then enter Meeting ID: 363 140 9738#
2. Join the meeting via Zoom video:
Meeting ID: 363 140 9738
For more information, contact your District Manager or Deputy District Manager or call (313) 224-4415