DWSD Sewer System Upgrades

Updates on sewer system upgrades.

Since 2019, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) has been investing close to $100 million nnually through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to upgrade the water and sewer systems throughout the city of Detroit. This page provides residents and businesses the updates specific to the sewer system.

Current Projects

  • Far West Detroit Stormwater Improvement Projectcompletion expected in 2026
  • Riverdale and Rosedale Park Sewer Upgrades – completion expected in 2024
  • Sewer System Condition Assessments - Hubbard Farms, Midtown, North Corktown - completion expected in Spring 2025
  • West Chicago Stormwater Improvement Project - In design phase, construction expected to begin Summer 2024.
    • Plymouth Road to West Chicago, from W Parkway to W Outer Drive

Upcoming Projects

  • Jefferson Chalmers Sewer Upsizing Project
  • Brightmoor Stormwater Improvement Project (currently in design phase)
  • Schoolcraft and West Chicago stormwater management projects (seeking state approval for funding)


Recently Completed Projects