Detroit Taxpayer Service Center (DTSC)

Citizens at the office

How we can help?

The Detroit Taxpayer Service Center is a multifunctional center that serves as the operational hub for the Office of the Treasury. The goal of the DTSC is to provide exceptional customer service while answering your Property/Income Tax-related questions, offering support, documentation, and education around the varying inquiries that are associated with the following Treasury departments: Property Tax, Banking Services, Clearances, Revenue Collections, and Tax Policy and Compliance.

We specialize in:

  • Questions about your Property Tax Bill, Refunds, Adjustment, and Payments
  • Delinquent Personal Property Bills
  • Income Tax for years 2014 and prior
  • Check Voids and Reissues
  • Business Clearances
  • Questions related to the Kiosk Payment Center
  • Solid Waste and Deferment applications


Contact us with your questions or concerns and our team of experts will respond within two business days just by filling out this short DTSC Inquiry Form.

Detroit Taxpayer Service Center -

Coleman A. Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Avenue - Suite 130 Detroit, MI 48226
Mon - Thu, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Fri 8:00am - 12:00pm phones only


We Want to Hear Your Feedback!

Please use your Smartphone to scan the QR Code or use the button to complete our brief Customer Service Survey