The City of Detroit invites all community organizations human services organizations, non-profit organizations etc., who wish to participate in the
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund Application Overview
2026-2027 NOF CDBG Application Information Coming Soon!
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund 2025- 2026 Grant Information
- 2025-2026 CDBG NOF Information and Application Guide Click Here
- 2025-2026 CDBG NOF FAQS Click Here
- NOF Workshop #1 8/27/2024 Workshop Recording Here
- NOF Workshop #1 8/27/2024 PowerPoint Slides Here
- NOF Workshop #2 - 9/19/2024 (IN PERSON) PowerPoint Slides Here
- CDBG NOF 2025-2026 Best Practices Workshop - 7/16/2024- PowerPoint Slides Here
- CDBG NOF 2025-2026 Best Practices Workshop Recording Here
- To register with the Supplier Portal - click here
NOF Office Hours - click here to make an appointment
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund - Funding Priorities
The NOF funds Public Service activities only. These activities include:
Education -Proposals must focus on providing academic support to individuals in school or those who did not finish high school and desire to improve literacy, leadership development, and obtain GED or basic job training skills.
- Literacy - Classroom-based academics, including reading and math enrichment/readiness
- Math and Science Job Training: Basic skillset improvement, technical assistance, and job placement
Health – Proposals should focus on other health services, which do not include transportation or medical appointments.
- The request may include, but not be limited to, nutritious lunch and snacks, socialization and recreation, therapeutic activities, health monitoring, community outings, personal grooming, and hygiene, medication administration and family counseling services, a prescription medication for individuals or insurance to pay retail and prescription mail orders.
Public Safety – Proposals should emphasize neighborhood or community-based activities focused on the safekeeping of citizens.
- Program services may include, but not be limited to, supportive counseling, referrals, grief support to individuals and families, neighborhood patrols/watch, code enforcement, etc. Program areas include Domestic Violence, Gun Violence, Community-Neighborhood Based Activities, and Human Trafficking
Recreation (Youth) – Proposals should center on youth programs.
- Eligible service activities may include, but not be limited to, sports and cultural enrichments i.e., sports, arts, crafts, music, theater, etc.
Seniors – Proposals should focus on activities for the well-being of senior citizens for transportation for senior medical appointments and related activities, along with other community-based group programs that provide health services to older adults with Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders,
- Includes, but is not limited to, breaks for people taking care of their elderly loved ones in the form of adult day care services, etc. Transportation: to medical appointments,
- Health Services: Dental appointments, drug prescriptions, etc.
- Senior Health & Wellness
NOF Application Eligibility
All funding for Public Service activities must meet the HUD national objective of benefit to low/moderate income persons as articulated under 24 CFR §570.200. In addition, the City’s CDBG funding requires at least seven (7%) of the applicant’s request as proof of operating Cash on Hand or working capital. To demonstrate cash on hand, applicants must show their most recent bank statement, letter of credit, or notarized award notice from a reputable organization. To be eligible, any operating cash funds or in-kind resources demonstrated must be directed toward the provision of CDBG-eligible activities during the period of the award.
Eligible program participants for the CDBG Public Service program must meet HUD’s definitions of Basic Public Service activities as articulated under 24 CFR §570.201(e). To be eligible for CDBG assistance, a public service must either be a new program or is expanding its services, such that there is a quantifiable increase in the service, that has been provided by or on behalf of the City in the 12 calendar months before the submission of the action plan. See 24 CFR §570.201(e) requirement for full description.
Applicants who do not meet the basic eligibility requirements listed below will be eliminated from consideration and will not move forward to the Phase II review. At a minimum, all applicant organizations must document the following for threshold eligibility:
- Meets HUD National Objective
- The group attended the CDBG/ NOF workshop or viewed the workshop online
- Proposal(s) complete and submitted on the correct form by the deadline
- Has at least five (5) member board, which meets at least twice a year
- Has 501(c) (3) status before applying for proposal
- Has at least two (2) years of operation and proof of operations
- Has no unresolved government audit and monitoring problems (i.e. tax, legal, etc.)
- Has submitted most recent fiscal year cash flow statement, financial statement, and if available, a recent audit
- Has read and signed the Certification form
- Submitted current Non-Profit Corporation Information Update (Michigan Annual Non-Profit Report)
- Submitted Articles of Incorporation
- Applicant’s organization has provided proof of operating cash on hand (at least 7 % of the request)
- Submitted Certificate of Good Standing (obtain Certificate here)
NOF Application Evaluation & Scoring
Applications submitted by the deadline, TBA, and meeting the minimum threshold requirements will be reviewed and ranked by an application review panel. All applications will go through a selection and ranking process. Applications will be selected and funded based on the applicant’s ability to demonstrate their capacity to implement a successful program/activity, the City’s priorities, project ranking, and available funding.
Successful applicants are more likely to receive a favorable score on the application if they demonstrate:
✓ Strong capacity to implement programs and have a proven track record of program success
✓ Program design that capitalizes on successful implementation and program strength
✓ The program does not have a high administrative cost
✓ Applicant has partnerships with the community in which they are working
✓ The organization has the capacity to comply with the program rules and guidelines
✓ A clearly defined Scope of Work and staff roles (Program goals are realistic and achievable)
✓ The Scope of Work and budget align
✓ Clearly defined success and performance standards/metrics/outputs and outcomes
✓ Program maximizes positive impacts in the community it serves and continues to expand and grow over time
✓ The program addresses defined community needs
✓ The program is either a new program or is expanding its services – there is a quantifiable increase in the service than was delivered in the 12 months prior
✓ Clearly defined financial sustainability plan
✓ There is a clear Return on Investment (ROI) and the organization is leveraging resources to help sustain, enhance, and maximize the program
✓ Responds to all the questions
✓ Meets all the Threshold Requirements
These factors will be reviewed during the Best Practices Webinar. Selected applications must meet all of the CDBG basic eligibility requirements to be considered for funding. Applications that do not meet the eligibility requirement will be eliminated from consideration. Your Application will only be considered for funding if you meet the Threshold Requirements.
Applications passing the threshold criteria review will be ranked and scored on a 100-point scale, with 0 being the lowest and 100 being the highest score. Application must score at least 80 points to be recommended for funding. Proposals will be ranked according to score and recommended for funding in rank order. The Assessment Criteria are as follows:
- Organizational Information - 25 points
- Project Description - 35 points
- Activities, Outputs, Outcomes & Impacts - 20 points
- Budget - 20 points
The current Sub-Recipient application review will include a performance assessment by the program manager, which includes timely (30-day) submission of complete monthly payment packets, adherence to contractual agreement, expenditure of grant funds per period of performance, and whether Sub-Recipient has met stated performance metrics. Point deductions will be made if the Sub-Recipient has not adhered to its contractual obligations
PLEASE NOTE: This year, all CDBG/NOF Applications must be prepared and submitted online using the City’s “Oracle” system. To register for Oracle or obtain information regarding Oracle Cloud, please email [email protected] or call 313-224-1500. You may also visit the Office of Contracting and Procurement’s webpage to assist you with registration.
Applicants must register with Oracle before submitting an application. Applications must be submitted via Oracle by TBA. Paper copies of Applications will not be accepted.