If You Need Services
If you are having a housing crisis or need emergency shelter, please call 866-313-2520.
If you or someone you know is sleeping outside, please fill out this form to request a street outreach team to contact you.
If You're a Nonprofit / Service Provider
The City of Detroit seeks to use its federal Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) funds, and matching funds provided through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to address the urgent needs of residents who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness. The City of Detroit does not provide these services, but rather provides grants to community organizations with experience in service to those experiencing homelessness. Proposals for the City-administered funds are accepted annually during a formal RFP process posted on the HRD website.
Regulations specify that these funds be used in combination with other federal state and local funds, as part of a community-wide system of homelessness services. The funds are awarded for the following services/activities provided to Detroit residents: street outreach, operations and services within emergency shelters, rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention.
As required under the US Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) HEARTH Act, City of Detroit funded organizations work closely with other community programs that, together, provide an array of housing opportunities intended to prevent and end homelessness for each household in need. HUD, along with the City of Detroit and its community partners, expects that this system of service makes steady progress toward reducing homelessness, including lowering the number of people entering the system, shortening the duration of homelessness, and limiting recurrent homelessness.
For current subrecipients or interested organizations, please refer to the Policy and Procedures manual below for additional details on the types of services funded and subrecipient expectations.
- Homelessness Solutions Policies and Procedures Manual for ESG and CDBG
- ESG-CV Manual (Emergency Solutions Grants - Coronavirus)
- HQS Inspection Form
- Environmental Review Form
- All Other RRH and Prevention Forms