Blight Abatement Artist Residency
2022 Season
The City of Detroit has partnered with SpaceLab Detroit to curate the fourth season of our municipal street art program, the Blight Abatement Artist Residency Program (BAARP). The City Walls program and SpaceLab Detroit curated the selection of three Detroit Artists for this cycle. Focusing on the hardest hit most high impact easily publicly accessible walls these artists will work with the community, stake holders, and the Blight Abatement team at the General Services Department to paint murals in and around the City of Detroit. In November of 2022 we will celebrate their contributions to the City with an art show.
For any further questions or concerns, please email

2021 Season
The City of Detroit has partnered with SpaceLab Detroit to curate the third season of our municipal street art program, the Blight Abatement Artist Residency Program (BAARP). The City Walls program and SpaceLab Detroit curated the selection of three Detroit Artists for this cycle. Focusing on the hardest hit most high impact easily publically accessible walls these artists will work with the community, stake holders, and the Blight Abatement team at the General Services Department over the course of 5 months to paint murals in and around the City of Detroit. In November of 2021 we will celebrate their contributions to the City with an art show.
For any further questions or concerns, please email

2019 Season
The City of Detroit has partnered with 1xRun to curate the second season of our municipal street art program, the Blight Abatement Artist Residency Program (BAARP). The CityWalls program and 1xRun curated the selection of three Detroit Artists for this sophomore cycle. Focusing on the hardest hit walls these artists will work with the Blight Abatement team at the General Services Department over the course of 5 months to paint murals in and around the City of Detroit.
For any further questions or concerns, please email

2017 Season
The City of Detroit partnered with the Southwest Detroit Business Association and the Inner state Gallery in Eastern Market to curate the first ever municipal street art program, the Blight Abatement Artist Residency Program (BAARP). Roula David curated the selection of three Detroit Artists for this inaugural cycle. Focusing on the hardest hit walls these artists will work with the Blight Abatement team at General Services Detroit over the course of 8 weeks to paint murals in and around the City of Detroit. After the 8 week residency a group art show including the 7 viaduct mural artists will happen October 26, 2017 6-9pm at 2024 Springwells Detroit, MI 48209 in order to celebrate the program and the group’s achievements. Participating artist will be required to donate one piece of art to the city.