Public Health Detailing

Health Detailing
- Clinicians, nurses, and clinic office staff - Start the week with a quick, convenient learning session built around your needs and interests to improve patient health.
- Our Detailer, Miglena Mihaylova, is CHES-certified, so her experience and skillset as a Health Education Specialist impacts the work she does in remaining patient-centered and empathy-focused. Her detailing work will focus on educating healthcare providers on pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP, respectively) and how to foster an inclusive environment as well as take a comprehensive sexual health history. After being a sexual assault crisis intervention advocate and working for the disability resources department at Michigan State University, Miglena understands how important educating patients in advocacy is to facilitate informed decision-making and improve their health outcomes. Miglena holds a BSc in Public Health from Wayne State University and is currently a graduate student at Wayne State University in their MPH degree program.
- Contact a Detailer today!
- Miglena Mihaylova, CHES
[email protected], 313.402.2871
- Miglena Mihaylova, CHES
- Here is our Introduction to Public Health Detailing video
- Detailing- Technique for educational outreach that is done to encourage evidence-based practice to improve quality of care and patient outcomes.
- The message is relevant and focused on the interests and needs of the staff.
- Help staff keep up-to-date on emerging health information so they can offer the most current services.
- Also available for clinical and non-clinical staff.
- Deliver based on a staff's specific needs and interests.
- Encourage effective patient education.
- Build supportive working relationships.
- Maintain long-term relationships with clinical and non-clinical staff.
- Source: Kennedy A, Regier L, Fischer MA. Educating community clinicians using principles of academic detailing in an evolving landscape. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2021 Jan 1;78(1):80-86.
- Contact a Detailer today!
- Miglena Mihaylova, CHES
[email protected], 313.402.2871
- Miglena Mihaylova, CHES
- Myth: Detailing is only meant for Physicians.
- Truth: Detailing is educational outreach for all clinical and non-clinical staff that are a part of the healthcare process. The scope of this educational outreach is broad, allowing for conversations about biomedical information as well as billing and educational materials that are made available to patients. We are here to encourage effective patient education that is inclusive and empowers the individuals communicating with the patients by offering resources and information to equip the individual and instill confidence in their interactions with patients.
- Myth: Detailing is a quick session where a Detailer speaks with clinical and/or non-clinical staff once.
- Truth: Detailing helps facilitate long-term relationships with clinical and non-clinical staff. Each session is unique and allows for us to speak with individuals over multiple sessions so that effective patient education is encouraged. New health information is released constantly and having to stay up-to-date with this information and their current patients can be challenging, so we are there to help facilitate a smoother process.
- Myth: Detailing is one-sided and is meant to be a lecture.
- Truth: Detailing is a discussion between the detailer and staff member(s) that is relevant and specific to the staff's interests and needs. We are also interested in the successes and challenges that your practice has experienced and are there to support your work.
- Truth: Detailing is a discussion between the detailer and staff member(s) that is relevant and specific to the staff's interests and needs. We are also interested in the successes and challenges that your practice has experienced and are there to support your work.
- Myths surrounding HIV and AIDS perpetuate cycles of shame and create barriers for individuals seeking prevention and treatment who want to improve their health outcomes.
- Myth: People who take Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) do not use condoms, so there is no point in prescribing it if people will engage in risky behaviors unprotected.
- Truth: PrEP can effectively decrease the risk of acquiring HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) by 99% when taken as prescribed. This might increase the person's confidence around having sex and lead to decreased condom use.
- So, while there is a chance that individuals may decrease their condom use on PrEP, there is a great opportunity when prescribing PrEP to have a discussion about how they can still acquire sexually transmitted diseases and illnesses. Since people taking PrEP are tested for HIV and STIs every three months, screening is more proactive and their progress in treatment adherence is monitored. Research has shown that there is no evidence that behavioral changes have undermined the effectiveness of previous and current bio-behavioral interventions on the community level.
Source 1 and 2
- Myth: HIV is transmitted easily from person-to-person, so any contact with a HIV+ individual puts you at risk.
- Truth: HIV can be transmitted through anal and vaginal sex, sharing needles, syringes, and other drug-cooking equipment.
Body fluids that transmit HIV include blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluid, vaginal fluid, and breast milk.
HIV can NOT be transmitted through saliva, sweat, or tears. So, these activities do NOT transmit HIV: touching, kissing, hugging, shaking hands, and sharing toilets.
Also, when an individual has taken medication to decrease their viral load to become undetectable, they are now untransmissible. (Undetectable = Untransmissible)
Source on HIV transmission and Source on U=U
Prevention Access Campaign U=U Fact Sheet - Myth: You can acquire HIV through sex, no matter the type of sex.
- Truth: Different kinds of sex have differing risk of transmission.
Without factoring in condom use, PrEP or PEP, STDs, Antiretroviral therapy, or acute HIV, here are the sexual activities from the highest to lowest risk of HIV transmission: receptive anal sex, insertive anal sex, receptive penile-vaginal sex, insertive penile-vaginal sex, and oral sex.
The type of sex that has the lowest risk of transmission is oral sex. However, there is increased risk if an individual has oral ulcers, bleeding gums, genital sores, or presence of STDs.
To take a closer look at HIV risk, the CDC HIV Risk Estimator Tool can be used to estimate HIV risk based on different sexual activities in a discordant partnership. (one partner is HIV+ and the other partner is HIV-)
Source on HIV transmission - Myth: Only gay men should take PrEP.
- Truth: While men who have sex with men (MSM) are at higher risk for acquiring HIV due to the type of sex they engage in, other populations are also at a higher risk for HIV.
These populations are: people who inject drugs, people with a history of STIs, people who have an inconsistent use of condoms, and people who are in partnerships with HIV+ individuals.
Source on HIV by group (sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, or age)
Source on general PrEP information
- Truth: While men who have sex with men (MSM) are at higher risk for acquiring HIV due to the type of sex they engage in, other populations are also at a higher risk for HIV.
- Truth: Different kinds of sex have differing risk of transmission.
- Truth: HIV can be transmitted through anal and vaginal sex, sharing needles, syringes, and other drug-cooking equipment.